The SPARKS token is a non-financial token that represents voting rights and decision-making power in the SPARKS DAO community. It's used to make Foundational decisions democratically. It's an ERC-20 token on mainnet Ethereum based on open-source OpenZepplin contract.

Token Details

Symbol SPARK
Total Supply 100,000,000
Max Supply 100,000,000
Initial Circ Supply 75,000,000
Initial Treasury 25,000,000 (
Treasury Gnosis Safe
Network Ethereum
Specification ERC-20
Burnable yes
Mintable no
Distribution 75m Liquidity / 25m Treasury

Notable Information

LP initialized with Uniswap v2 USDC pair and revoked by sending to null address.

Two bounties, acquired via Uniswap were gifted to kick-start community building.

All tokens distributed at launch to LP and Treasury, no other pre-allocations made.

Treasury grants occur via DAO resolutions in alignment with the Foundation's purpose.

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Foundation Proposals